Winery Barrel Storage
Rock steady control of temperature allows a constant high humidity to be maintained with out condensation, in turn keeping evaporative losses under 1% annually.
Cold Storage
A Paradigm Shift in Cold Storage Design: Using Thermal Mass and biological Phase Change Materials to Shift Electrical Demand Off-Peak
disaster resistant structures
Resistant to 200 mph winds & maximum credible quakes, the system is non-combustible with a fire rating exceeding 4 hrs. The wall is 8x stronger and 40x stiffer than 8" CMU.
Since 1993
The Energy Mass™ wall
A site-built, engineered sandwich panel construction. It consists of a super insulated core, constructed with an insulated form, which is then filled with an expanding closed cell foam to achieve a vapor impermeable core of up to R-118 depending on core thickness. The
unprecedented insulation is before any thermal mass benefits are considered.
This core becomes formwork for 3” thick concrete skins
pneumatically placed on both sides. One or both of the shotcrete “skins” has embedded radiant tubing turning the entire wall into a radiantly active surface.
The geometry of the wall and its method of construction have the benefits of unsurpassed strength, stiffness and fire resistance.

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Contact us today for a customized evaluation on how STASIS can benefit you with your next project.